У вас виникли проблеми зі збереженням даних з документа Quill у Mongodb у вашому Angular додатку? Ця стаття розгляне рішення для цього завдання за допомогою Yjs та інтеграції з Mongodb.
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Server.js code const WebSocketServer = require("ws"); const Y = require("yjs"); const { MongodbPersistence } = require("y-mongodb-provider"); const yUtils = require("y-websocket/bin/utils"); const express = require("express"); const server = http.createServer((request, response) => { response.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": "text/plain" }); response.end("okay"); }); // y-websocket // const wss = new WebSocketServer({ server }); // gives error related to invalid URL const WebSocket = require("ws"); const wss = new WebSocket.Server({ server }); wss.on("connection", yUtils.setupWSConnection); /* * y-mongodb-provider * with all possible options (see API section below) */ const mdb = new MongodbPersistence( "mongodb://localhost:27017/", { collectionName: "notes", multipleCollections: true, } ); /* Persistence must have the following signature: { bindState: function(string,WSSharedDoc):void, writeState:function(string,WSSharedDoc):Promise } */ yUtils.setPersistence({ bindState: async (docName, ydoc) => { const persistedYdoc = await mdb.getYDoc(docName); const newUpdates = Y.encodeStateAsUpdate(ydoc); mdb.storeUpdate(docName, newUpdates); Y.applyUpdate(ydoc, Y.encodeStateAsUpdate(persistedYdoc)); ydoc.on("update", async (update) => { mdb.storeUpdate(docName, update); }); }, writeState: () => { // This is called when all connections to the document are closed. // In the future, this method might also be called in intervals or after a certain number of updates. return new Promise((resolve) => { // When the returned Promise resolves, the document will be destroyed. // So make sure that the document really has been written to the database. resolve(true); }); }, }); |
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index.ts file Quill.register("modules/cursors", QuillCursors); const quill = new Quill(document.querySelector("#notes"), { modules: { cursors: true, toolbar: [ // adding some basic Quill content features [{ header: [1, 2, false] }], ["bold", "italic", "underline"], ["image", "code-block"], ], history: { // Local undo shouldn't undo changes // from remote users userOnly: true, }, }, placeholder: "Start collaborating here...", theme: "snow", // 'bubble' is also great }); // A Yjs document holds the shared data const ydoc = new Y.Doc(); // Sync clients with the y-webrtc provider. const provider = new WebrtcProvider("notes-room", ydoc); // Sync clients with the y-websocket provider const websocketProvider = new WebsocketProvider( "wss://localhost:80", "notes-room", ydoc ); // Define a shared text type on the document const ytext = ydoc.getText("quill"); // "Bind" the quill editor to a Yjs text type. const binding = new QuillBinding(ytext, quill, provider.awareness); // Remove the selection when the iframe is blurred window.addEventListener("blur", () => { quill.blur(); }); |